Desktop app for ChatGPT initially only for the Mac

Together with GPT-4o, OpenAI has also announced its first official desktop client. It will be released on macOS first, with Windows coming "later this year".

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ChatGPT-Interface auf dem Mac

ChatGPT interface on the Mac: Available system-wide, similar to Spotlight.

(Image: OpenAI)

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Until now, ChatGPT can only be used on the desktop in the browser if you don't want to use one of the numerous third-party apps that integrate the AI service. As part of yesterday's presentation of GPT-4o, OoenAI has now announced that it will be offering its own client for the first time: It is simply called the ChatGPT app. The software will initially only be available for macOS users, with a PC version to follow later. "We are also planning to launch a Windows version this year," explains the AI company without giving any further details.

The ChatGPT app has been distributed to its first users since Monday and is initially only available to ChatGPT Plus subscribers who pay 20 US dollars a month. The basic idea is that the chatbot will be available in the system at all times and can be accessed at any time via a shortcut (option plus space bar).

In terms of operation, this is reminiscent of Apple's Spotlight system search, which is called up via Command plus the space bar. In addition to simple text entries, ChatGPT can also process screenshots. "You can create and discuss screenshots directly in the app," says OpenAI. The app also accepts files and photos directly and can use images from the Mac's integrated camera as input. The much-discussed voice input mode (Voice Mode), which now has a "Her"-like, very expressive default voice, is also available on the Mac.

The OpenAI keynote also showed how you can use the ChatGPT app to get help with programming. You can simply copy in code and then have it explained and/or further processed. "Whether you want to develop a new idea for your company, prepare for a job interview or discuss [another] topic: Tap the headphone icon in the bottom right corner of the desktop app to start a conversation," OpenAI said in its explanatory notes.

Along with the ChatGPT app for the Mac desktop, OpenAI has also announced that it is revamping its web interface. It will have a new home screen with a revised message display. The "look and feel" should be friendlier and more conversational, as the company announced. The official ChatGPT client for iOS has not yet been updated, but already supports GPT-4o - however, the design does not (yet) match the one shown by OpenAI at its event. The Android version received an update on Monday.

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