Final Cut Pro: Mac and iPad versions with many new features

The overhauled tablet version with multi-camera app and new AI features for the Mac: Final Cut Pro 2 and 10.8 are here.

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Final Cut Pro 2 on the iPad

Final Cut Pro 2 on the iPad.

(Image: Apple)

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Apple has now made the new versions of Final Cut Pro for iPad and Mac announced at the beginning of May and a completely new camera app available for download. The updates offer a whole range of new features - especially on the iPad - such as multicam support and video editing with the help of AI.

Final Cut Pro for iPad 2.0 can now use iPads and iPhones to record an entire studio. Up to four of the devices are controlled via the new Apple Camera app. The iPad serves as the control center and remote control. "With each live camera feed, settings can be adjusted directly in Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 to easily set exposure, focus, zoom and more for the perfect shot," Apple describes. The videos can then be edited later in full resolution on the iPad, which can now also save projects directly to external SSDs or edit them directly.

AI features include light and color correction, whereby you can automatically adjust the brightness, balance or contrast. There are also improvements to the workflow; users can now rename the components. Apple also provides focus peaking for better sharpness and a total of twelve new color correction presets, 20 new background music, eight new titles and six "dynamic glitch backgrounds". Final Cut Pro 2 for iPad runs on devices with M1 SoC and can be tested free of charge. The subscription then costs 4.99 euros per month or 49 euros per year. The camera app can also be used as a standalone recording program.

The Mac version of Final Cut Pro reaches 10.8 The professional app, which costs 349.99 euros, can also automatically adjust light and colors using AI, has an optimized slow motion mode (only for Apple Silicon machines), renamable workflows and an improved timeline search. There are several new filters and additional search criteria. Interested parties can download a trial version here.

In addition to Final Cut Pro, Apple has also updated Compressor (version 4.8), Motion (version 5.8) and iMovie (version 10.4.1) on the Mac. Motion gets new AI features, Compressor can help with spatial video previews when creating Vision Pro content and iMovie delivers stability and performance improvements.

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