Fritzboxes & Co.: AVM fined millions for price fixing

AVM is alleged to have illegally influenced the retail prices of its products for years. This concerns Fritzboxes and repeaters, among other things.

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AVM router Fritzbox 7590 AX

(Image: c't)

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

The German Federal Cartel Office imposes a fine of 16 million euros on the German manufacturer AVM. The company is alleged to have illegally interfered in the pricing of free trade in order to keep the retail prices of all its products unusually high. This concerns Fritzbox routers and Fritz repeaters, for example.

Andreas Mundt, President of the Bundeskartellamt, summarizes: "We accuse AVM of having restricted free pricing in the sale of its products to end consumers for years. By coordinating with electronics retailers to raise end consumer prices, AVM has worked towards restricting price competition vis-à-vis end consumers. With the fines imposed, the Federal Cartel Office is sending a clear signal that violations of the ban on price maintenance will not be tolerated."

AVM is alleged to have demanded certain minimum sales prices from dealers that were between the recommended retail price and the purchase price. Since at least 2019, AVM is alleged to have used "special software" and not just price comparators to monitor retail prices.

The German Federal Cartel Office has been investigating AVM since February 2022, based on an anonymous tip. According to its own statements, it was able to prove adjustments to end consumer prices based on the agreements.

In conclusion, the Bundeskartellamt writes: "When setting the fine, it was considered that the proceedings could be concluded by way of an amicable settlement. The fines are legally binding. No fines have been imposed on the traders involved."

heise online has requested a statement from AVM.

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