Combi-Fritzbox 5690 Pro available for pre-order

AVM's DSL and fiber-optic-capable Fritzbox 5690 Pro has hit the shelves. However, those interested will have to wait a little longer.

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AVM's Fritzbox 5690 Pro on a chest of drawers

The Fritzbox 5690 Pro comes in an upright housing and not in the typical AVM flat housing.

(Image: AVM)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

AVM was no longer able to meet the June delivery date for the Fritzbox 5690 Pro. However, the first German retailers are now accepting pre-orders for the router, including Cyberport, Saturn / Media Markt and Notebooksbilliger.

Until now, retailers have been charging 369 euros; this is apparently a new, slightly higher recommended retail price from AVM. In September 2023, AVM announced a price of 339 euros, in June 2024 of 359 euros.

Not all stores have listed the Fritzbox 5690 Pro on price comparators like ours. The router has also appeared at other retailers such as Alternate, but then quickly disappeared again.

The MediaMarktSaturn Group states a delivery date of August 9. Notebooksbilliger only gives a rough date of July / August. Cyberport, on the other hand, expects delivery from July 18.

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The Fritzbox 5690 Pro is a combination device for both DSL and fiber optic connections. The model has both a DSL modem and an SFP slot for optical modules. It offers 2.5 Gbit/s on passive GPON connections and 1 Gbit/s on active AON connections. The appropriate SFP modules are included.

Buyers without a fiber optic connection can still operate the Fritzbox with a DSL tariff and switch to fiber optics in the future without having to buy a new router. This means that modern Wi-Fi 7 wireless technology is already available to those willing to upgrade without having to throw money away on a short-lived device.

Unlike the DSL Fritzbox 7690, for example, the 5690 Pro can set up three WLANs in parallel, in the 6, 5 and 2.4 GHz frequency ranges. The router can also function as a control center for the smart home, including Zigbee support. Matter will follow later via a firmware update.

A test sample has already reached the c't editorial team. A test report will be published soon.
