Goodbye filter bubbles: educational videos are well received on Pornhub
On Pornhub, you can earn significantly more for educational videos with the same number of views than on YouTube.
Still learning something on Pornhub? Pornhub, which, like many large platforms, has drawn attention to itself primarily due to shortcomings in content moderation, remunerates content significantly better than YouTube, for example. This can be seen in a LinkedIn post by Zara Dar, who abandoned her doctorate for a career on Onlyfans and is interested in computer science.
According to her own information, she earns three times as much in advertising revenue on Pornhub with the same number of views as on YouTube for her scientific explanatory video on neural networks. It's surprising that her explanatory videos get so many views there – because she doesn't show much skin. Instead, there is even a video of her building an OnlyFans notification robot with a Raspberry Pi. Only a few would have behaved indecently towards her so far and, for example, demanded that she show more skin.
The fact that science videos can coexist on Pornhub and even be successful – regardless of whether they are made by a beautiful woman – is also shown by the example of Zhang Xu, a lecturer from Taiwan who calls himself Changhsu on Pornhub.
He teaches mathematics on Pornhub with his master's degree. His videos receive an average number of likes, and proportionally even more than the usual movies there.
Xu has 20 years of teaching experience. He also uploads his videos to other platforms such as YouTube. Since 2020 also on Pornhub – with calculation. He wanted to use his teaching activities on the disreputable platform as a unique selling point. He succeeded for around five years. Now he is no longer the only one, and it is unclear whether there are any other accounts on Pornhub that inspire people to think.
His very special marketing plan has certainly worked. Many of his students know him from Pornhub. In 2021, Stern reported that he earns around 200,000 euros for his online courses, which he can also use to pay his employees. A win-win-win situation: content creators can earn more money, educational content can penetrate even the duller areas and PornHub can polish up its image. Let's see if there will soon be more educational videos on the popular porn site.