Google Search Console: No new data for over three days

The Google Search Console performance reports are an important source of information for SEO. However, there has been no new data for over three days.

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Google Search Console users have been waiting more than three days for new data. The performance report was last updated over 72 hours ago, according to the web service tool. The service is designed to help operators and SEO experts monitor and optimize the performance of their pages in Google search results.

Google itself confirmed the problems in an X-Post. "We're experiencing latency issues with the search performance reports. We're working to resolve this issue soon and will update here as soon as the issues are fixed. We apologize for the inconvenience," it reads - but more than 24 hours after the post, there is still no fix to the problem and no new information.

Long-time users are talking about the longest known outage of the update in the Search Console. However, such a hiccup is generally not that rare at Google, they say. However, the search engine operator usually manages to resolve the problems quickly. There have only rarely been gaps in the data - however, the prolonged outage has caused some users to worry that this time could be different.

Heise online has sent Google an inquiry about this and will report further.
