Intel sells off further parts of the company
The investment arm Intel Capital becomes independent under its own name. Intel also spins off Realsense.

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Intel is continuing its consolidation. The Group is currently preparing to spin off its venture capital arm Intel Capital, with which Intel primarily invested in start-ups. The spin-off should be completed in the second half of 2025.
Intel also wants to spin off its camera division Realsense. The company confirmed this to The Robot Report. Realsense develops cameras with depth recognition, for example for facial recognition – previously also with Windows Hello. Nowadays, the cameras are used more for gesture and facial expression recognition.
The spin-off of FPGA specialist Altera has now been completed, according to its own X article. According to rumors, a sale to competitor Marvell is also being considered in addition to an IPO. Intel is currently desperately looking for capital to survive its own corporate crisis.
Out after more than 30 years
Intel Capital is given a new name after the spin-off. Intel wants to remain a so-called anchor investor – i.e., an important shareholder, but without a majority stake. The new name will therefore probably no longer include Intel.
Intel founded its venture capital arm in 1991, at that time still under the name Corporate Business Development. Intel co-founder Leslie L. Vadász was responsible at the start. According to a statement, the branch has invested over 20 billion US dollars in more than 1800 companies since its foundation. Intel Capital currently manages investments worth 5 billion US dollars.
One of the biggest names in Intel's investment history was a Broadcom investment in the 1990s. The current portfolio contains smaller names, in particular AI companies such as Hugging Face. In addition, someone at Intel Capital seems to like the idea of air cabs – Joby Aviation is also represented in the overview.
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