Japan: Giant humanoid robot helps with railroad line maintenance

West Japan Railways uses a large humanoid robot for rail track maintenance. In the future, it is set to take on even more tasks.

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A giant robot spreads out its arms.

The giant robot has an arm span of around 12.2 meters.

(Image: West Japan Railways (Screenshot))

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

West Japan Railways has put a gigantic, 6-meter tall humanoid robot into operation to maintain train lines and perform other railway-specific tasks. However, the robot does not work autonomously, but is controlled from a cockpit by an operator.

The robotics company Jinki Ittai Corporation has positioned a humanoid robot upper body on a truck so that the robot can be used for mobile applications in train line maintenance. The robot is around 6 m high without the truck. It has very strong limbs and hands, each with a two-finger gripper. The span of the arms is around 12.2 m.

Cameras are integrated into the robot's small head as eyes. An operator in a cockpit can see the working environment and carry out tasks via the image transmitted to special goggles. The robot synchronizes the operator's movements so that it can work in a human-like manner.

The main focus here is on the accident-prone maintenance of overhead lines. According to West Japan Railways, the aim is to prevent accidents at work caused by electric shocks and falls from a height. This should increase safety for workers. The robot also makes it possible to manage with fewer workers and counteract the omnipresent labor shortage in Japan. West Japan Railways speaks of a reduction in personnel requirements of around 30 percent, which is possible thanks to the robot.

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West Japan Railways is convinced that the robot from Jinki can also be used for other rail-specific maintenance, repair and track work. This includes replacing signaling systems, painting infrastructure objects, as well as felling trees and removing obstacles around the track bed.

West Japan Railways promises that the use of the Jinki robot will make maintenance safer, more reliable and more efficient.
