LimX prepares humanoid robot CL-1 for the world of work

LimX has improved the perceptual and physical control of its CL-1 robot. It can now perform simple tasks independently in a warehouse environment.

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The CL-1 robot from LimX works in a warehouse environment together with a human.

The CL-1 robot can also work together with humans in a working environment.

(Image: LimX Dynamics (Screenshot))

2 min. read

The Chinese robotics company LimX Dynamics is in the process of preparing its humanoid robot CL-1, which was only unveiled at the end of 2023, for use in the world of work. The robot is now able to perform simple tasks in a warehouse, as a YouTube video shows.

Since the first presentation of the CL-1 humanoid robot, LimX engineers have made many improvements and expanded the robot's real-time perception system. Previously, the CL-1 was only able to adapt its walking movements dynamically and fluidly with its perception control system based on artificial intelligence (AI), Perspective Conrol. This enabled the robot to move safely even in dark environments with poor lighting conditions.

Now the development team has improved the whole-body motion control and perception-based motion manipulation. The robot is now able to assume different postures, including squatting down with a load, standing up from a squatting position with a load, lifting loads and walking with loads. It can also lift objects with a vertical span of up to 80 cm. The robot coordinates its leg and arm movements independently.

The CL-1 can perceive its surroundings, such as objects to be manipulated, more precisely. If, for example, the position of an object changes unexpectedly, the robot reacts independently and reschedules the task. If necessary, it adjusts its own position in order to lift the object and place it in the intended position.

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A video shows how the CL-1 repositions boxes on shelves and tables in an environment made for humans. This also works when human employees are present in the working environment. According to LimX, perception, task planning and movement control take place independently and in real time.

LimX also claims to have improved the robot's performance: It should now remain stable during several simultaneous operations. This means that the robot can also handle longer periods of work, which should make it suitable for warehouse and industrial applications in collaboration with humans.


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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.