Mac: Major update for popular menu bar tool iStat Menus
Info in the macOS menu bar has reliably displayed iStat Menus for years. The revised new version 7 is now available.
Mac users do not see everything that is happening on their device at a glance. If you want to see memory usage, network activity or processor utilization, you have to call up Apple's activity display. Various menu bar tools have been available on the market for years to display this important information permanently. One of these is iStat Menus from the manufacturer Bjango. It has now introduced version 7 of its app.
Not everyone will like the new look
At first glance, you can already see that the look has changed significantly. Instead of more neutral tones, iStat Menus 7 now uses the primary colors red and light blue. Of course, all of this remains customizable. One problem, however, is that old settings - i.e. those from iStat Menus 6 - are initially overwritten. So you may have to restore them with some effort. The new functions include various new menu bar displays, which should be clearer than before.
You can display the FPS that the GPU cores are currently performing and the name of WLAN networks. The various cores of Apple Silicon devices - i.e. performance and efficiency cores - are now listed by default and iStat Menus recognizes additional sensors on such machines. The processor load display has been adjusted accordingly. The user has more control over the settings for the fans - a function that should only be used with caution, however.
Developers continue to work on iStat Menus 7
Various in-app purchases are now available for the weather, which become more expensive depending on how often they are requested - however, we were initially unable to transfer our old subscription. There is a separate icon for GPU utilization, new app launchers for quick launch of applications matching the respective menu and an overall decrease in system utilization by iStat Menus itself (allegedly only a fifth of iStat Menus 6).
Bjango is currently continuing to work on the app and quickly released an update 7.0.1 with various fixes. The manufacturer also responds very quickly to user criticism. iStat Menus 7 can be tested free of charge for 14 days, after which you pay 13.34 euros for a single user license and 16.67 euros for a family license. Discounted upgrades from iStat Menus 6 are also available. Finally, you can also subscribe to iStat Menus as part of Setapp.
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