Magic Keyboard for the iPad Pro M4: lighter despite aluminum

Apple has not yet provided information on its website about the weight of the new Magic Keyboard, which costs up to 400 euros. Now it has finally been weighed.

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Apple Magic Keyboard für das iPad Pro M4 mit 13 Zoll

Apple Magic Keyboard for the 13-inch iPad Pro M4.

(Image: Apple)

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

The iPad Pro M4 released this week has slimmed down: it has become both thinner and lighter. For example, the 13-inch model with WLAN now weighs 579 grams instead of 682 grams for the predecessor with M2 SoC and the thickness has shrunk from 6.4 millimeters to 5.1 millimeters. The question that many potential buyers are still asking themselves, however, is how the weight ratios look together with the Magic Keyboard, which has also been updated. The combination of keyboard and trackpad plus iPad case, which is now partly made of aluminum, has been officially listed by Apple in the Apple Online Store since last week, but the manufacturer did not specify the weight.

Now the weight has been verified for the first time, according to reports from the USA. The US-English keyboard of the 11-inch model now weighs 580 grams, a reduction of 21 grams. For the 13-inch model, the weight of the new Magic Keyboard is said to be around 667 grams – as well for the US version. Here, Apple would have saved a good 43 grams compared to the 12.9-inch previous model. Based on these values, it is possible to check how heavy the combination of iPad and keyboard is.

The 13-inch version of the iPad Pro M2 thus comes very close to the 13-inch MacBook Air M3, but is slightly heavier. The US version of Apple's currently the lightest Mac notebook weighs just under 1240 grams. If you add up the iPad Pro M4 with 13 inches and the matching US Magic Keyboard, the total would be 1246 grams (WLAN version). The predecessor series with 12.9-inch and M2 SoC was even heavier: in combination exactly 146 grams (1392 grams total).

However, if you can manage with 11 inches, you can save even more weight. However, Apple does not come out under a kilo: the smaller tablet together with the Magic Keyboard reaches a total of 1024 grams with WLAN, with 5G it is only 2 grams more. What is impressive about both versions is that the iPad Pro M4 is lighter than the keyboard and trackpad.

The 13-inch iPad Pro M4 is Apple's thinnest product to date, beating even the old iPod nano. What the company still lacks in its range, however, is a particularly lightweight notebook. The 12-inch MacBook, which was available with an Intel chip from 2015 to 2019, was never brought into the Apple Silicon era. It weighed just 920 grams, even less than the 11-inch iPad Pro M4 with Magic Keyboard.

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