Mexico: Judge disseminates draft judgments via AI

Ana Margarita Ríos Farjat is the first judge at the Mexican Supreme Court to use AI to disseminate her draft judgments and explain their content.

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(Image: Zolnierek/

2 min. read
  • Andreas Knobloch
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Judge Ana Margarita Ríos Farjat is the first Mexican Supreme Court judge to use artificial intelligence (AI) to disseminate her draft judgments and facilitate understanding of the content and scope of her judicial decisions. However, only the content of the public versions of the draft judgments can be viewed.

The AI tool is the Sor Juana platform, developed by Ríos Farjat's team with the support of other online resources such as Streamlit, Google and Pinecone. Sor Juana complements the technological innovations that the Court has already introduced, such as links to documents and QR codes for consultation from any smart device.

Through the AI platform, users can literally chat with a judgment. They can select a case by its file number via a menu. A chat is then activated in which users can ask questions about the case, the outcome and the date on which the draft judgment will be examined by the First Chamber of the Court. The model is experimental and only has access to one sentence at a time to explain the facts of the case, writes the Mexican daily El Universal. The platform neither collects nor processes personal data that can identify users, nor information for digital analysis.

"All you have to do is choose the topic and imagine, create and ask whatever you want. For example: What is the case about? Based on this question, Sor Juana will answer the facts of the case in a practical, simple and civil way," the Mexican daily La Jornada quotes Juan Jaime, district judge and coordinator of Ríos Farjat's work. The Sor Juana platform also allows internet users to ask other types of questions, such as "What is the conclusion of the draft judgment that the first chamber will vote on?" Or: "What precedents are cited in this case?"
