Modular warning system: Almost 200 warnings due to flooding in Bavaria

The flood situation in Bavaria remains tense: 16 districts have declared a disaster situation. The modular warning system counts almost 200 warning messages.

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Absperrung aufgrund von Hochwasser. Ein Symbolbild.

Two sandbags weigh down a barrier due to flooding (symbolic image)

(Image: heise online/ mack)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Almost 200 warnings due to the flooding in southern Germany have now been sent out via the Modular Warning System of the Federal Government (MoWas) and displayed in the NINA warning app and on the portal of the Federal Office of Population and Civil Protection (BBK). More than 20 warnings were classified as "extreme danger", and the situation in the affected areas has been tense for days. The Bavarian Ministry of the Interior has therefore set up an information page for those affected. A state of emergency was declared for 16 districts, including Aichach-Friedberg, Augsburg, Günzburg, Neu-Ulm, Regensburg and Rosenheim.

There are currently more than 100 reports on the BBK warning portal, but the all-clear has also been given.

(Image: Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe)

According to the BBK, around 55,000 people were deployed in Bavaria, who "rescued people from apartments/houses, cellars" or roofs and "packed and distributed thousands of sandbags to protect against flooding and helped pump out cellars". This is what the BBK writes in a LinkedIn post.

The NINA and Katwarn apps are useful, but after the flood disaster in the Ahr valley in 2021 at the latest, it became clear that Germany also needs Cell Broadcast as a fast mobile phone warning system. The system was introduced and tested in 2022. In 2023 alone, disaster warnings were sent to the population 240 times. The BBK recently published the results of the survey for the last nationwide warning day, according to which 96 percent of all respondents were successfully warned in 2023 – 72 percent of them via Cell Broadcast. 75 percent were warned via their warning app. In addition to cell broadcasts and warning apps, sirens, city information boards and other media continue to be used to warn the population.
