More speculation about AirPods with (IR) camera

According to a report, Apple is working on new earbuds that contain a Face ID-like camera for the first time. This should help when using the Vision PRO

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(Image: Ivan_Shenets/

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Apple's AirPods already have a range of sensors that detect when the earbuds are removed from the ear, for example. Future generations of the devices could detect even more of the environment. As analyst Ming-Chi Kuo from Taiwanese stock trading firm TF International Securities writes in a new report to investors, Apple is considering integrating IR cameras into its headphones.

Corresponding modules could end up in the devices as early as 2026. The idea is an improved "spatial experience" in connection with the use of the Vision Pro. The built-in IR camera should work in a similar way to the one in the iPhone that Apple currently uses for Face ID facial recognition (including IR projector). The module is to be produced by Apple manufacturer Foxconn, allegedly in a capacity of 18 to 20 million units for a total of 10 million AirPods per year.

"The new AirPods will be used with Vision Pro and future Apple headsets to enhance the spatial audio experience and strengthen the spatial computing ecosystem," writes Kuo. For example, if a user watches a video with Vision Pro while wearing the new AirPods, the sound source can be positioned correctly in the room. However, Apple is already doing something similar with the speakers built into the Vision Pro, the Audio Pods.

Apple already supports the AirPods Pro in conjunction with the Vision Pro. The company recommends setting up personalized spatial audio. This is a special experience with spatial apps and videos. However, Apple does not yet seem to be good enough at this.

According to Kuo, the IR cameras planned for the AirPods Pro will be able to recognize changes in the environment for the first time. This would make gesture control with the earbuds possible for the first time. Apple has already applied for corresponding patents. The company recently implemented head gestures that can be used to accept (nod) or reject (shake head) calls - they will be released in the fall together with iOS 18 and the other new systems.

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