Netflix: Cheaper additional memberships with advertising

Up to now, you could add up to two additional members to Netflix for 5 euros a month each. In future, this will be cheaper – but with advertising.

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Netflix is offering its customers a new option to add additional members to their own subscription. Additional members are people who can use a Netflix account even though they do not live in the same household as the account holder. An additional member normally increases the subscription price by five euros. With the option that has now been announced, it is a little cheaper, at four euros. The disadvantage is that the additional member will have to watch advertising.

The previous option for additional members remains the same. Essentially, people who want to use another account now have two options:

  • They can share the subscription ad-free. The account holder pays an additional five euros per month for this.
  • They can share the subscription, but will see advertising. The account holder only pays an additional four euros per month.

It should be possible to switch back and forth between the two options at any time.

"The ad-integrated version is aimed at users who want to access the complete Netflix program at a reasonable price and offers an affordable and flexible solution for sharing Netflix with others," Netflix writes in its press release. However, the saving of one euro per month is quite small and does not seem particularly attractive compared to the standard option.

Nothing will change for account holders: they will continue to receive all the benefits of the subscription they have booked. The option to add additional members to a subscription is still only available in two subscription levels: Netflix's standard subscription allows you to book a single additional member, while the premium version allows you to add a total of two additional members. There is therefore no option to book the advertising subscription yourself and add another member with advertising.

The new advertising option for additional members will be available in Germany from Tuesday. The option is also available in the USA and the United Kingdom. According to Netflix, the global launch will take place on October 28 in all markets in which the advertising subscription is offered – except for Japan.


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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.