New AirTags, Mac Studios and Mac Pros: Not updated before 2025?

There were no new iPads in 2023, will 2024 be the year without new desktop Macs? The wait for new AirTags is also rumored to continue.

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Apple-Chef Tim Cook bei einer früheren Produktvorstellung

Apple boss Tim Cook at a keynote.

(Image: Apple)

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Apple's AirTags have been on the market unchanged for over three years, the last Mac Studio M2 dates back to June 2023, as does the Mac Pro M2: all three products could actually do with an update in 2024. However, it currently looks as though there will be neither new desktop Macs nor updated UWB trackers this year. Reports to this effect are circulating in the USA. An iMac with an M4 SoC is also rather unlikely this year, as the M3 model dates back to last fall and Apple has already taken its time with its All-in-One.

The AirTags are popular - which is due to the comparatively low price and the well-functioning tracking system. However, the range, tracking accuracy and speakers, among other things, could be improved. According to a report from the financial news agency Bloomberg this month, the new version is codenamed B589 and is set to be released "in the middle of next year".

Initial tests are reportedly underway in Asia. A new ultra-wideband and Bluetooth chip should enable "improved location tracking" - how exactly remains unclear. Whether Apple will tweak the form factor has also not yet been leaked. Here, the competition has much more interesting variants than Apple's famous pill shape - for example, the credit card format for the wallet.

Apple launched the Mac Studio and Mac Pro in June 2023 with the M2 Max and M2 Ultra SoCs (Mac Studio) and M2 Ultra (Mac Pro). It had previously been expected that Apple would make the leap to the M3, as the Mac Studio was already available with the M1 and M2. However, due to the iPad Pro M4, the M3 is no longer the latest SoC. As it will probably be a while before the Mac version of the M4 is on the market, Apple could skip the M3 for its workstations.

It is therefore likely that Apple will upgrade the MacBook Pro to the M4 in the fall and take its time with the Mac Studio and Mac Pro, including the M4 Max and M4 Ultra, until the WWDC 2025 developer conference. This is expected to take place in June. Skipping generations is nothing new. The iMac went straight from the M1 to the M3.

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