New Safari function in iOS 18: Newspaper criticizes "Web Eraser"

Apple is allegedly planning a feature for the next major browser version that can permanently remove parts of websites. This is already causing trouble.

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

A new function in Apple's Safari browser, which has not yet been officially confirmed, is causing a stir in the British media. The so-called Web Eraser is said to be part of iOS 18 and allows users to delete parts of websites - in such a way that the deletion remains in place the next time a page is visited. This has now prompted the London-based News Media Association (NMA), which represents 900 national, regional and local media outlets. It wrote an open letter to Apple's British chief lobbyist, stating that such "ad blockers" are a "blunt instrument that reduces the ability of content creators to sustainably fund their work".

The Apple news site AppleInsider wrote in April that Apple was planning the "eraser pen" for the web in its upcoming operating system. There has been no confirmation of this so far, so the NMA is ultimately responding to a rumor. The "Web Eraser" is said to stand alongside other AI functions, including a new "Browsing Assistant" in Safari, which summarizes content on websites. Apple is also said to have overhauled the entire interface of its browser.

According to AppleInsider, the "Web Eraser" is reportedly currently being tested internally at Apple. It should make it possible to no longer display parts of a website at the user's request, which can apparently be freely selected, for example ads, text areas, images or entire sections of a page. This setting is saved in Safari. If you return to an offer later, the change made by the user is retained. The NMA does not like this at all.

The open letter, which is available to the Financial Times, also states that advertising is a central revenue stream for many publishers. A blockade could also lead to users "missing out on important information that could otherwise be very useful to them". Apple did not respond to the letter. The NMA now wants to meet with the company "to discuss the potential impact of the Web Eraser". The organization also fears that AI tools could "selectively remove or alter" content.

iOS 18 will be shown at the World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) from June 10 in Cupertino - along with other new Apple operating systems. This year, Apple is reportedly fully committed to artificial intelligence and is planning new generative functions that the competition has been offering for some time.

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