New browser war? iPhone selection dialog brings tailwind for small providers

Selection dialogs bring smaller browsers considerable growth in the EU. Nevertheless, the EU Commission is investigating Apple's implementation in iOS.

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iPhone zeigt Browser-Auswahldialog mit iOS 17.4

(Image: Mac & i)

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Web browser manufacturers report a significant increase in user numbers in the EU. One month after the introduction of the browser selection dialogs prescribed by the Digital Markets Act in iOS and Android, the measure appears to be having its first effect: Small browsers are recording massive growth in some cases, as the news agency Reuters reports, citing figures from six developers. The Aloha browser, for example, recorded user growth of 250 percent in the EU in March, while Opera also reported "record user numbers".

Since March 7, gatekeepers such as Apple and Google have had to display a browser selection dialog in accordance with the new requirements. Apple implemented this with iOS 17.4 shortly before the deadline. After the update, the message appears once when the pre-installed Safari browser is opened for the first time. Google has so far only introduced the browser dialog in Android on its Pixel devices, so the distribution is still limited. In the coming months, Android versions on devices from other manufacturers will also integrate the dialog. Browser growth has so far been primarily on iOS.

Shortly after the release of iOS 17.4, the first providers such as Brave recorded an increase in downloads.

Despite the numbers, criticism is also growing regarding the implementation of the browser selection dialogs – and not just about their very slow rollout on Android. Firefox manufacturer Mozilla complained to Reuters that Apple is rolling out the iOS 17.4 update much more slowly than other iOS updates. iOS updates are available for download globally at the same time, but only if they are checked and installed manually. The majority of users only install the updates when Apple or iOS actively notifies them – Editorial note.

The implementation of the browser selection dialog in iOS has already landed Apple in non-compliance proceedings with the EU Commission. iOS displays a random list of the twelve most popular browsers in the respective country based on downloads without any further explanation – and then sets the selection made as the new default browser. Apple's measures, including the design of the dialog, could prevent users from "actually choosing their services freely and effortlessly within the Apple ecosystem", the regulators said. The opening of iOS to other browser engines, which is also prescribed by the Digital Markets Act, has not yet been used by any manufacturer to offer a complete Safari alternative on the iPhone.

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