Next analog camera possibly made of Lego

Lego fans may soon be able to enjoy a fully functional 35 mm photo camera made from 595 Lego bricks.

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A retro camera made from Lego.

(Image: Zung Hoang)

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According to a project submitted to Lego's ideas platform (Lego Ideas) in 2022, Lego fans could soon – unlike previous models – have a fully functional photo camera with 35 mm film made from 595 Lego bricks. After the Pentax 17, this could be the next analog camera to be released.

So far, the "Lego ZH1" project is only a proposal, but it has already met with a remarkable response from the community. This is reported by DPreview, among others.

The Lego ZH1 is a fully functional analog camera. The camera was built by Zung Hoang. He can already take pictures with it, as can be seen from his Instagram account.

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Hoang bought various sets of the terminal block brand for the camera, as he explained to Fast Company. The most difficult part was reproducing all the mechanisms with Lego bricks, as the bricks are larger than the tiny metal gears, axles and springs of normal cameras. Building the shutter release, for example, was particularly difficult. In addition, differently colored Lego bricks are said to transmit light differently, which made the designs more difficult.

The 3-year-old project has attracted renewed attention due to media reports. There are still 28 days left to collect the necessary 10,000 votes on the ideas platform. However, this is very likely, as currently (as of August 19 at 3:25 pm) only 605 votes are still missing and more are being added every hour. There are already 250 comments on the project from the community. If the project receives enough support, it could go into official production and offer Lego fans worldwide the opportunity to build their own functional camera.


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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.