Particularly comfortable headband for Vision Pro
ResMed actually specializes in ventilators, for example against sleep apnoea. Now comes the first end customer product for Apple headsets.

Kontor Head Strap for Vision Pro: More ergonomic than Apple's solution.
(Image: ResMed / Apple)
Apple has added another alternative head strap for the Vision Pro to its range. The Kontor Head Strap comes from ResMed, a company that actually specializes in medical devices. It is sold exclusively through Apple's retail chain and online store, but currently only in the USA. It is intended to be particularly suitable for longer usage sessions with the headset.
Counterweights provide balance
ResMed knows a thing or two about headbands: The company actually specializes in respiratory devices (CPAP) for sleep apnoea, for example. These are also worn over a long period of time and are designed to put as little strain as possible on the wearer and head: "Developed using data from thousands of 3D head and face scans and made from high-quality, skin-friendly materials for an individual fit and a comfortable feel." The headband is suitable for both stationary and mobile use.
It is very easy to attach: the standard band (Solo Band or Dual Loop Band) is removed and the ResMed version is put on. An interesting idea is the possibility of working with weights. Six modular "counterweights" are supplied to ensure that the goggles do not pull down too much. ResMed claims to have 35 years of experience with "healthcare technology that changes lives and that people love". They have extensive knowledge of products that are worn on the head and now want to open up this knowledge to the Vision Pro community.
Two sizes available
The Kontor Head Strap will be sold in two sizes: "Small" and "Medium/Large". Those who wear a size S dual-loop strap should take the "Small" version, people who use M or L should choose "Large / Medium". If you have only worn the Solo strap so far, you should test it first. ResMed lists further information on the right size in the product description.
The price for the Kontor Head Strap is just under 120 US dollars excluding VAT. Delivery will start in January, but it is not yet possible to order in the USA. The weight of the head strap is – apparently 66 grams without counterweights –. Apple recently introduced a new additional headband for use with the Solo Band through its partner supplier Belkin. This also allows the weight to be cushioned better, but is a less professional solution than the one from ResMed. It remains to be seen whether this will also be available in Germany.
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