Qt Extension for Visual Studio Code version 1.0 released

Cross-platform development with Qt in Visual Studio Code: Version 1.0 of the Qt All Extensions Pack is available, offers features like QML syntax highlighting.

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The Qt application framework and GUI toolkit from the manufacturer Qt Company is used for cross-platform development. Qt functions are now available through version 1.0 of the "Qt All Extensions Pack" extension in Microsoft's free source code editor Visual Studio Code. Features include QML syntax highlighting, code completion and more. The extension can also be integrated with the CMake build tool.

The first major version of the Qt extension is available in the Visual Studio Marketplace. The extension also automatically installs the CMake build tool and the CMake tools. The extension package can be used to create Qt and Qt-Quick applications for the desktop and for WebAssembly in VS Code.

The extension enables syntax highlighting for the QML (Qt Modeling Language) programming language, as well as refactoring and code completion. For Qt 6 projects, the extension should enable faster coding when developing QML applications. In addition to other features, the Qt documentation is integrated and visible side by side with the code editor in VS Code.

The extension is installed as follows:

  • Select Install to install the Qt All Extensions Pack
  • select Qt: Register Qt Installation in the command palette
  • open a folder that contains a Qt-CMake project (in which there is a CMakeLists.txt file)
  • select CMake: Select a Kit in the command palette to select a kit that matches the Qt version and tool chain
  • Select CMake: Build to build the project

The Qt Company offers a bug tracking system where users can report bugs and has also launched a survey on the new extension.

Further information can be found in a Qt blog entry.
