Raspberry Pi Ltd. gets off to a strong start on the London Stock Exchange

Shares in Raspberry Pi Holdings Plc have been trading since today. The proceeds are primarily intended to expand the possibilities of the Raspi Foundation.

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(Image: c’t Magazin)

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Today, the former Raspberry Pi Limited, a subsidiary of the non-profit Raspberry Pi Foundation, went public on the London Stock Exchange. For the Initial Public Offering (IPO), Raspi Ltd. was transformed into the company Raspberry Pi Holdings, Plc. It remains majority-owned by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, which retains around 70 percent of the shares.

The starting price was set at 280 British pence (GBP 0.28), but the share price has already risen by around 39 percent in the course of trading and currently stands at around GBP 0.39, equivalent to 46 euro cents.

The purpose and objectives of the IPO are also explained in a blog entry by the head of the Raspi Foundation, Philip Colligan. Above all, the foundation wants to raise more money to better fulfill its educational goals. In addition, the change of name from Raspberry Pi Ltd. to a Public Limited Company (PLC) makes it easier for other companies to participate.

Raspberry Pi Holdings is listed on the London Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol RPI.

(Image: c’t Magazin)

So far, the CPU developer ARM and Sony are among the companies involved in Raspi Ltd. The Broadcom systems-on-chip (SoCs) of the Raspis contain ARM cores and ARM also recommends the Raspi as an inexpensive and well-documented development platform.

Sony in turn manufactures the Pi in a production division in Wales and contributes the image sensors for the Raspberry Pi's cameras.

Raspberry Pi Holdings, Plc is listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) under the ticker symbol "RPI".

According to the prospectus, the issue price of GBP 0.28 represented a market capitalization of the company of just under GBP 542 million.

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