Take a break: watchOS 11 with daily goals for activity rings

Until now, it has not been possible to interrupt the counting of movement, training time and standing even on sick days. watchOS 11 finally changes this.

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Apple Watch owners who are trying to keep an eye on their health like to use the activity rings that have been available since the introduction of the computer watch. These record three values every day: moving, exercising and standing. "Move" tracks physical activity, "Exercise" tracks any workout above slow walking and "Stand" tracks getting up and moving for one minute at least once an hour. All of this is then displayed in a beautiful ring view. Gamification means that many users try to achieve their goals as many days in a row as possible. The problem is that if you fall ill, for example, or are unable to do so for other reasons, you cannot stop - a problem that has existed since the beginning. With watchOS 11, Apple finally has a heart and allows it.

The update, which is due to be released in the fall, also expands the configuration options. Previously, you could only increase or reduce the daily targets, but now you can set a schedule for each day. For example, you can reduce or increase the necessary activity on the weekend. These "Custom Goals" exist in addition to the option of "Rest Days", on which you can suspend tracking completely without losing your streak.

The feature is already available in the beta version of watchOS 11. The settings can also be made for standing and training on the exact day of the week. The pause function, on the other hand, is currently limited to a maximum of 90 days. Users can choose whether they want to pause for the current day, until next week, the entire month or up to a date a maximum of 90 days in the future. Only Apple knows why this is possible now – anyone who keeps an eye on their Streak was regularly annoyed by the watch.

Another new feature in watchOS 11 concerns sleep tracking. According to beta testers, the watch now appears to be able to recognize when a user is taking a midday or daytime nap. Sleep mode and the corresponding tracking then appear to be activated automatically.

The corresponding data is then sent to the iPhone for analysis. It is still unclear how well the feature works and whether it will also be available in the final version of watchOS 11.

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