Temu competition: Amazon wants to try out a low-cost store

Amazon apparently wants to sell cheap products from China via its own homepage in future. A test is to start in the USA first.

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Miniature shopping basket to the left of a laptop with the Amazon logo. In the background are the Amazon Buy Boxes, in which products are placed on the website of the online giant Amazon.

In addition to the usual homepage, Amazon could also set up a dedicated page for cheap products from China in the future.

(Image: Nikita Burdenkov/Shutterstock.com)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Amazon is reportedly planning a store for cheap products from China in order to steal a march on competitors such asTemuand - in the case of clothing - Shein . The idea is to sell cheap electronic and household items as well as clothing that manufacturers send directly from China to the desired address (so-called dropshipping). The focus is on prices; quality is of secondary importance.

The plans werefirst reported by The Information .The news agency CNBC provides further details , according to its own statements based on an Amazon presentation that is actually intended for Chinese manufacturers. The company is said to have recently invited numerous Chinese partners to a closed event to discuss the plans.

The launch could initially take place in the USA by the end of autumn. Amazon usually tests new sales strategies there and, if successful, expands them to other countries.

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Chinese manufacturers have long been selling their products via Amazon, both via Amazon's logistics centers and by direct shipping via the warehouse platform. The company's own homepage for low-cost products is intended to focus solely on direct shipping in order to save costs and also test the sale of small batches. This means that manufacturers do not have to send complete pallets to Amazon.

Amazon and its partners apparently want to guarantee delivery times of nine to eleven days. The focus would be on no-name products that cost less than 20 US dollars.

In a statement to CNBC, Amazon does not confirm the speculation, but does not deny it either: "We are constantly looking for new ways to work with our distribution partners to delight our customers with greater choice, lower prices and more convenience," the company said.
