The new AI features in iOS 18 no longer work on these iPhones

Apple tends not to provide all devices with new operating system functions. This year should be no different with the AI-focused iOS 18.

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iPhone-Kamera – hier bei iPhone 15 Pro

(Image: Thanes.Op / Shutterstuck)

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Apple will unveil iOS 18 next week. It is already known that Apple wants to add numerous AI functions to its iPhone operating system in order to catch up with competitors such as Microsoft. However, not all Apple smartphones that support iOS 18 will receive all the new artificial intelligence features. This is partly for technical reasons, but Apple is also likely to use this to encourage users to upgrade to a new device.

It currently looks like iOS 18 will be released for numerous iPhones. According to rumors, it will probably start with the iPhone XR or XS / XS Max from 2018, as well as all later series 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 with all models. The second and third generations of the iPhone SE are allegedly supported by iOS 18. The minimum requirement appears to be the A12 Bionic, which was first installed in the XR/XS.

If the speculation is indeed true, iOS 18 would support the same models as iOS 17. This also started with the A12 Bionic. However, all functions are only offered from A14 Bionic (iPhone 12) onwards. Users with A12 Bionic or A13 Bionic will have to live with a reduced range of functions, such as video effects or word recognition.

Apple is likely to pursue a similar strategy with iOS 18. The usually well-informed Bloomberg journalist Mark Gurman assumes that it will be even more unpleasant for users. Allegedly, "many of the AI functions running on the device" (on-device AI capabilities) require an iPhone 15 Pro, Pro Max (with A17 Pro) or "later" - i.e. one of the iPhone 16 models released in September. The fact that not even the iPhone 15 and 15 Plus, which have an A16 Bionic, are supported is likely to bother many customers.

Gurman also claims to have heard what the situation is with the Mac and iPad. Here, an M1 SoC is supposedly sufficient for on-device AI. This is confusing because the M1 is significantly less advanced than the A17 Pro. It was already launched in 2020. The iOS 18 keynote starts on June 10 at 7 pm. As always, Mac & i will be there with a live ticker.

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