Vision Pro: Apple rebuilds demo program, launches alternative payment method

Apple is about to start demonstrating the Vision Pro in Europe and is changing its concept. The visionOS App Store will be relaxed for devs.

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Person wearing an Apple Vision Pro

Person wearing an Apple Vision Pro.

(Image: Apple)

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Following the pre-order launch last Friday, free demonstrations of the Vision Pro, as previously only seen in the USA, will also begin in German Apple Retail Stores. After booking an appointment, there will be "Apple Vision Pro Demos" from July 12th, where you will be shown everything the headset can do in just over half an hour. Apple has apparently redesigned the program to introduce users to the Vision Pro in a more personalized way. This was reported by the financial news agency Bloomberg.

The idea is not just to run a standard demonstration as before, but to give users the opportunity to play their own content on the Vision Pro. The Apple employee allows customers to send their own photos, videos and panoramas to the test device. "They can then view their media in mixed reality. (...) This could help convince some customers," the report says.

Apple is also planning to extend the demonstrations on request as part of an initiative called "Go Deeper". This will allow customers to try out their specific application scenarios on the Vision Pro, such as productivity apps or (even more) entertainment. The company is also considering offering more customers the option of using the dual-loop strap, which promises greater comfort thanks to an additional suspension system - although not for every head shape. The solo loop band looks more attractive.

It is not yet clear how well the Vision Pro is selling. However, there has been speculation that Apple may have reduced production at its manufacturers. The main problem at the moment is the price: the company wants at least 3999 euros for its headset in Germany (US entry price: 3499 US dollars plus tax). Apple teams are said to be working on a cheaper "Vision" model that could cost as much as an expensive iPhone Pro model, which would be half the price of the current Vision Pro.

Meanwhile, there is positive news for developers who want to bring their app to the Vision Pro in the EU. Apple is also bringing parts of its "Alternative Terms", which only apply in the EU, to the headset. This includes the option of using your own payment services for a (minimally) reduced fee.

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