Vision Pro: "Slightly modified" hardware for Europe and Asia

Apple has apparently made minimal changes to the Vision Pro for the market launch outside Europe. Meanwhile, there is speculation about the future strategy.

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Apple Vision Pro

Apple Vision Pro: In Europe from July.

(Image: Apple)

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Apple's Vision Pro headset, which will be launched in Germany and other European countries on July 12, will apparently be launched in a slightly modified version compared to the US model. This was reported by the financial news agency Bloomberg. The version for France, Germany, Canada, Australia and the UK - and possibly also for China, Japan and Singapore, which will be released at the end of June – is therefore internally codenamed N301A, while the US version is called N301. It is unclear what exactly has been changed, but it could be due to regulatory requirements. However, the US version of the Vision Pro also works flawlessly in Europe, as numerous imports and the Mac & i tests show.

The Vision Pro is sold in Germany at 3999 euros upwards, which is even more expensive than in the USA, where you pay 3499 US dollars plus tax for the entry-level model with 256 GB. Apple is said to be working internally on a cheaper model, which may be released before a "Vision Pro 2". Apple is aiming for prices of around 1500 to 2000 dollars for the "Vision" (without Pro), i.e. at the level of the most expensive iPhones. According to Bloomberg, the problem is that Apple would have to get hold of cheaper components.

It is conceivable that the cheaper model, codenamed N107, could possibly come without the – already controversial – EyeSight external display. Other ideas include slightly lower-resolution displays, lower-quality pass-through (augmented reality), lower-performance SoCs or a closer connection to Macs and/or iPhones. The field of view could also be reduced. Apple hopes to be on the market by the end of 2025, which would be comparatively fast.

According to Bloomberg, Apple is considering faster SoCs, better external cameras and an overall lighter system that is more comfortable to wear for a "Vision Pro 2", which is codenamed N109. However, the ultimate goal remains to create real AR glasses that users can wear all day long and that resemble regular glasses.

The research efforts within the Vision Products Group have picked up speed again here. Apple is prepared to invest further. However, a product can hardly be expected before 2027.

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