Wind power: First 44 wind turbines can be erected in the North Sea cluster

RWE may begin constructing its offshore wind farm Nordseecluster. The wind turbines there are expected to generate around 1.6 GW from 2029.

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Close-up of a wind turbine

(Image: Vestos)

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

RWE can begin with the first expansion phase for its planned "Nordseecluster" offshore wind farm. The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) has now issued the planning approval for North Sea Cluster A. The total of 44 wind turbines there are to have a capacity of 15 MW each and will be fully connected to the grid by the beginning of 2027.

Location of the "Nordseecluster"

(Image: RWE)

The North Sea cluster is being built around 46 kilometers north of the island of Borkum and around 50 kilometers north of the island of Juist. The first expansion stage, for which the permits have now been granted, is expected to generate 660 megawatts (MW). According to RWE, some of the components are already being manufactured. The wind turbines are to be erected at sea next year.

RWE approved the investments for the Nordseecluster offshore project at the end of May this year. It is to be built in two phases around 50 kilometers off the North Sea island of Juist. Nordseecluster B is scheduled to commence commercial operation at the beginning of 2029, at which point the entire project will have a total capacity of 1.6 GW, which could supply 1.6 million households with electricity; that is 6.5 TWh per year.

The offshore wind turbines will be erected on monopile foundations at a water depth of 29 to 33 meters, explains the BSH. The planned turbines have a rotor diameter of 236 m and a total height of 264 m. The electricity generated is to be fed into the "DolWin Kappa" converter platform via the NOR-3-3 grid connection system. This was installed by grid operator Tennet in September 2022.

According to the consulting firm Deutsche Windguard, almost 1,600 offshore wind turbines with a total capacity of 8.5 GW were in operation in Germany at the end of 2023. In that year alone, 27 wind turbines with 257 MW were added. The Offshore Wind Energy Act stipulates that at least 30 GW of wind power capacity will be installed offshore by 2030 and at least 75 GW by 2045.
