Window management: macOS 15 brings these new features

With its next macOS, Apple is once again trying out new window design options. What can "Window Tiling" do and why is it reminiscent of Windows?

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macOS 15 Sequoia: Window management

macOS 15 Sequoia: Window management.

(Image: Apple)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

macOS already has a whole range of options for distributing windows on the desktop. For example, you can click on the green button at the top left of each window for longer to move it to the left or right side - as well as using other alignment functions with the mouse and trackpad. The well-known - and not uncontroversial - Stage Manager for even more restrictive window management has also been added. With macOS 15, aka Sequoia, which is due to be released in the fall, Apple is once again tackling Windows distribution. The approach is reminiscent of features that have long been familiar under Windows.

The green button will become more powerful. It can be used to move windows not only to the left and right, but also up and down. It is also possible to arrange the existing windows directly, for example in groups of one, two, three or four. It is even possible to set whether space is left between the windows (margins).

It is even easier to distribute windows using the mouse or trackpad, which is reminiscent of Windows 7 and "Aero Snap". If you drag a window to a certain area, it remains magnetically attached there in the form of a window tiling if you wish. This is possible in a similar way with other windows; the operating system then offers a distribution to arrange the windows in a visually sensible way.

In the current beta versions of macOS 15, this has not yet been solved perfectly. Sometimes windows slide into the next space, unnecessarily large gaps form between windows or not all content appears in a window because it is too small.

Nevertheless, it can be assumed that special tools for window management such as Moom or Magnet will lose some users, as Apple "sherlocks" many of their functions directly in the operating system. Apple should continue to work on the feature in the coming betas and improve window tiling until it no longer shows the bugs in question. Beta testers should also go to the system settings and experiment with the setting buttons there.

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