iOS 18: Siri gets a new name on request - with a trick

Until now, Apple's assistance system has had a fixed name. With the next iPhone operating system, there are new possibilities.

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New Siri on an iPhone with iOS 18

New Siri on an iPhone with iOS 18.

(Image: Apple)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

As part of Apple's upcoming new accessibility features in iOS 18, it will also be possible to call Siri with a name of your choice. For this to work, however, you first have to use a trick: the so-called vocal shortcuts. This doesn't work perfectly, as the actual command request still has to follow.

With vocal shortcuts, various functions can only be activated by saying a key term. These can be unique to the user and cannot only trigger accessibility functions such as VoiceOver.

According to Apple, Vocal Shortcuts can also trigger complex tasks. As a look at the iOS 18 beta shows, you can also simply select "Siri" as one of these tasks (and not just "Siri request", which would also work). In practice, this means that you can call up Siri directly with the keyword after the setup. The Siri animation appears and you can start using the command immediately. However, a direct request in a sentence ("Hey computer, tell me the time") is not possible, it's just a matter of starting Siri.

The vocal shortcuts are even more powerful and can launch apps, call up the control center, take screenshots and much more. Sounds can also be used instead of speech - or even simple syllables. This is reminiscent of the options that are already available on the Vision Pro, where the sound control should help some lazy fingers.

The feature is an example of how functions that help people with disabilities can also be extremely useful for non-disabled people. One thing to bear in mind with this trick is that it apparently only works with the iPhone at the moment; it is not available on a HomePod, for example. With iOS 18, eye tracking for the iPhone will be added for the first time as a further innovation, which will allow you to use your phone with just your eyes.

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