iOS 18 and macOS 15: Photos app collects defective and lost images

Anyone who feels they have lost videos and photos in Apple's photo library can now look them up in a new album.

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Apple photos in iOS 18

Apple photos in iOS 18.

(Image: Apple)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

In the latest beta of iOS 18, macOS 15 and iPadOS 18, Apple has integrated a function in the Photos app that allows photos and videos found on the device that the system cannot assign to a specific folder. The new album is called "Recovered" and can be found in the Utilities section of the Photos app, as Macrumors has discovered. In addition to lost images, (partially) defective images and films are also to be stored here. This allows them to be restored or deleted completely if necessary.

Apparently, the operating system automatically scans the file system for corresponding files after the upgrade, writes Macrumors. However, the album only appears in the Photos app if defective or lost photos have actually been found. There are several reasons why the Photos app can lose photos. These include problems with the database, storage problems when taking photos or videos or metadata errors.

The new album makes it possible to permanently remove the photos individually or as a package or to move them back to the regular photo library. This should give users more security over the content stored on their device. Apple has not yet provided a more detailed explanation of why the function is being introduced – for example, in the form of a support document.

Apparently, the "Recovered" album has something to do with a serious bug in iOS 17.5 that caused photos that had already been deleted to suddenly reappear in the Photos app – including sensitive material for some users. Apple fixed the bug with iOS 17.5.1.

It was a "rare problem" caused by a "corrupted database". With the new function, such images can now apparently find a home and can be found more quickly and removed if necessary. With the bug, the deleted material suddenly reappeared as new. According to Apple, this was not a cloud problem, it only occurred locally on the iPhone.

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