iPad Pro M4 with nanotextured glass: paper-like view, but in need of care

Apple's first tablet with a matte screen delivers good images and is pleasant to use. However, you should find out how to clean it.

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iPad Pro M4

iPad Pro M4: New texture for the first time.

(Image: Apple)

2 min. read

Until now, Apple did not offer its matte coating for mobile devices. Instead, the so-called nano-textured glass could only be ordered with the Pro Display XDR and the Studio Display. This is now changing with the iPad Pro M4: Apple is supplying the low-reflection texture for tablets for the first time. Users report positive experiences, but should be aware that the texture requires maintenance. This is clear from Apple's own support information.

The nanotextured glass offers an interesting image impression, especially in combination with the bright and sharp OLED panel that Apple now uses in the iPad Pro M4. The surcharge of 130 euros compared to the standard model – it has to be one with 1 TByte or 2 TByte flash memory – gives the customer a paper-like look, which some testers found "downright surreal". Finger operation is good and even feels smoother and more precise than with the standard glass. Using the Apple Pencil is also a pleasure.

To maintain this, the nano-textured glass must be treated with care. According to a recently updated support document from Apple, cleaning is only permitted with the polishing cloth included in the packaging. This is already known from other nanotextured glass devices, but these are not usually carried around like an iPad. You should be able to remove dust or dirt with the official cloth if it is not too stubborn. If a dry cloth is not sufficient, you can moisten it – but only with a 70% isopropyl alcohol (IPA) solution, not with water or even soap.

There are even care instructions for the polishing cloth itself. It should be cleaned by hand with washing-up liquid and water, then rinsed "thoroughly" and finally left to air dry for 24 hours until it is ready for use again. If the original cloth is lost, Apple will unfortunately not provide a free replacement.

Instead, you can purchase a "Polishing Cloth", which has been available in the Apple Store since 2021, for 25 euros. However, this is much firmer than the cleaning cloth included in the iPad packaging. According to Apple, however, it is still compatible.

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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.