tvOS 18: A look at the new features in the beta

Not a revolution, but an evolution: with the new Apple TV operating system 18, Apple is introducing a whole range of new features, as the beta shows.

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tvOS 18: Dialog boost and "InSight" link

tvOS 18: Dialog boost and "InSight" link.

(Image: Apple)

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

In Apple's annual presentation of its major operating system updates, tvOS often ends up in the second row. This year, however, the basic software for the Apple TV multimedia box is once again getting interesting new functions which, while not a complete overhaul, will make the system even better. Here is an overview of the new features in tvOS18 that are already known or were discovered during the current developer beta.

Apple has tweaked a number of important video playback functions. With tvOS 18, it is possible for the first time to switch the HDMI output to the 21:9 format. This is useful if you are using a projector on the Apple TV, where this aspect ratio is more popular than 16:9. The system can now recognize when subtitles are required for the subtitles displayed in the standard video player. For example, the "Smart Subtitles" are activated if you are watching an English-language show but the system is set to German. In addition, subtitles are automatically activated when you press the mute button or rewind to watch a scene again because you didn't (fully) catch it.

In terms of audio, the "Enhance Dialogue" function has been optimized. A new AI algorithm is designed to make voices that can be heard at the same time as background noises, soundtrack or action sequences stand out better from the background. This is now also possible via connected audio devices such as Bluetooth headphones or speakers connected via HDMI - and no longer just with Apple's own HomePods. A new voice isolation feature can also be added, which will be particularly appreciated by people with impaired hearing.

Another new feature is the ability to display more information about shows and movies directly, as is the case with Amazon's X-Ray function. Apple calls the feature InSight, and it initially provides information on TV+ productions, including background information on actors, similar productions, soundtracks and more.

There are several improvements to the FaceTime function. For example, Live Captions can now be used to display subtitles for what is being said - in which languages remained unclear at first. tvOS 18 can also declare a specific iPhone or iPad as the camera for the Apple TV device. This means it is always immediately available and there is no need to switch between devices. Other smaller innovations include a revised interface for the Fitness+ app under tvOS (with new sections at the top) and several new screensavers, including those featuring the "Peanuts" characters.

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