visionOS 2.0: Initial experiences with the beta are positive

visionOS 2.0 is not a really big hit. However, initial testers say that the update is rounded off by a number of minor improvements.

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New panorama screen in visionOS 2.0

New panorama screen in visionOS 2.0: Macs displayed better. However, the beta does not yet have this feature.

(Image: Apple)

3 min. read

Apple's first major update for visionOS has been met with positive reviews so far. Both developers Mac & i has spoken to and media representatives have praised the update for the Vision Pro, which has been available as a developer beta since last week. Although visionOS 2.0 is not a huge leap from the current version 1.2, it does contain many minor improvements that make the headset easier to use. "It works very, very well," comments Mac & i-Vision Pro expert Mark Zimmermann, who would have hoped for more in some areas.

For example, Apple receives praise for the operating improvements implemented in visionOS 2.0. In future, it will no longer be necessary to constantly press a button with your hand to access the home screen; instead, a simple new hand gesture will suffice. Such a gesture is now also provided for calling up the time, the battery status and the control center - for the latter, you previously always had to look up, which could lead to contortions. For the first time, it is also possible to arrange the home screen icons as desired. Obviously, there are still no folders and icons cannot be taken from the folder with the iPad and iOS apps. But the free sorting option alone is a great benefit.

In future, Apple keyboards and MacBooks will also be looped through in immersive mode (e.g. when the environment is active). This means you no longer have to type blindly. It is still unclear whether keyboards from other providers will also be supported - Apple could theoretically at least integrate known models. In terms of environments, Apple has finally delivered one of the missing ones: the South Pacific landscape of Bora-Bora. It is unclear when the last missing environment will arrive - apparently creating it involves a lot of technical effort. Improvements to the guest mode are also useful. This can now be saved so that you don't have to constantly reset it. Finally, visionOS 2.0 can calculate spatial photos from 2D images. This works surprisingly well.

The new Mac Virtual Display mode has not yet been tested. This now allows a panorama mode with a resolution of two 4K screens. The connection speed and stability are also said to have been improved. The function makes it possible to operate Macs via the Vision Pro and thus use all the apps available there. Copy & Paste is supported and the Mac can also be used to operate the Vision Pro.

There was also praise for the stability of the visionOS 2.0 beta. Bloomberg reporter Mark Gurman wrote that he found the update more stable than the current release of the operating system. "The visionOS 2 beta is in better shape than any previous public visionOS release." Vision Pro will be released in Germany next month.

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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.