Looking for Thought Leaders in the Healthcare Sector

Technology Review Launches "Digital Health Pioneers" Competition Looking for Entrepreneurs Willing to Explore New Territories in the Healthcare Sector.

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Digital Health is the next big revolution in medical science. We are looking for thought leaders to drive this revolution. With the "Digital Health Pioneer" prize, we would like to honor start-up companies which take the healthcare sector to a new level with fresh ideas – be it with solutions for health insurance companies, patients, doctors, or pharmaceutical companies. Software applications are just as welcome as hardware technologies. A blue-ribbon panel will be judging the submissions.

The five best contenders will be featured in an issue of Technology Review, the German edition of MIT Technology Review. Additionally, they will get the opportunity to present their business models to decision makers in the healthcare sector during the "Innovators Summit Digital Health" conference in Berlin on November 30, 2016. During this event, we are going to choose the start-up company with the most convincing business model, which will be awarded a prize of EUR 10,000 – further information on the conference.

Conditions of Participation
Applications are open to founders of new companies who:

  • have already attracted venture capital (be it venture capital as such, government incentives, or other sources of funding)
  • are active in the market at the time of application, be it looking for investors, in a testing stage, or with a finished product.

The competition will be advertised internationally. Company founders will have to be present in person at the "Innovators Summit Digital Health" conference on November 30, 2016, and will have to cover their own travel expenses. The deadline for the submission of applications is October 14. Successful applicants will be notified by the end of October.

Application Documents

  • short company presentation
  • presentation of the business model, its core technology, and the issues solved with it, along with the estimated market potential
  • information on the current status of the technology (concept stage, prototype, testing stage, product launch, etc.)
  • shortlist of investors up to now

Please submit relevant documents to office@technologyreview.de, using the subject line "Digital Health Pioneer" (PDF, PowerPoint, or Word format preferred).

If you have any questions regarding the selection criteria and procedure or would like to know more about the documents you are required to submit, please contact Stephan BrĂĽnig at +49 511 5352 764 or via e-mail: stb@heise.de.


  • Dominik Bertram, Development Manager Connected Health, SAP SE
  • Prof. Dr. med. Tobias D. Gantner, Managing Director, HealthCare Futurists GmbH
  • Dr. Peter MĂĽller, CEO of Stiftung Gesundheit, Member of the Board of Directors, Medizin-Management-Verband
  • Tobias Auferoth, Principal XL Health
  • Robert Thielicke, Managing Editor, Technology Review

This competition is sponsored by SAP.
