Apple Maps: Preparations for the Olympic Games in Paris

Apple has optimized Paris Maps with 3D graphics for train stations, sports facilities, etc., also preparing for the Olympics.

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Stations such as the Gare du Nord have been enhanced in Apple Maps

Stations such as Gare du Nord have been enhanced in Apple Maps.

(Image: Apple)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

After the European Football Championships, the next major sporting event is just around the corner: the Summer Olympics begin in Paris on July 26, followed by the Summer Paralympics. Apple has upgraded its map app for this, as users have noticed. Various well-known buildings have been given new 3D representations, which can be called up in Apple Maps on iPhone, iPad or Mac.

The added graphics, which users can view from all perspectives and also zoomed in, include train stations such as the Gare de L'Est and the Gare du Nord, landmarks such as the Madeleine or the Pont d'Iéna, as well as Olympic venues such as the Centre Aquatique Olympique and the Parc de Princes.

Apple will also add details of other Olympic venues, temporary venues, restaurants and shopping opportunities. Special icons will draw attention to Olympic sites and guide visitors. Apple has also integrated various new "Maps Guides", which draw attention to restaurants, stores and hotels, from well-known blogs, magazines and other media.

Apple has also set up a separate section in the App Store where specific apps for the Games can be downloaded. There will also be regular editorial content and references to online events on the topic, just like in the new Apple Sports app. The TV app will also be updated with new content on iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple TV. Apple has also announced that Apple News (not available in the EU), Apple Music and Apple Podcasts will also feature content on the Paris Summer Games. Most of the content is free of charge, with broadcasts depending on the respective broadcaster app.

Shortly before the Olympics, the Paris public transportation system also introduced the option of using Apple Wallet as a ticket in Paris. Visitors can also buy special Olympic tickets for public transport on their iPhone without having to download an app. The Olympic Games in Paris will take place from July 26 to August 11, followed by the Paralympics from August 28 to September 8.

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