ChatGPT in the iPhone: This is how Apple wants to integrate OpenAI

Elon Musk angry, data protectionists alarmed - and some users unsettled: The integration of ChatGPT in iOS raises questions. But it won't stop there.

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Among the details already leaked about Apple's AI strategy was the information that OpenAI will be a direct partner with ChatGPT in iOS 18. However, it only became clear this week how it will be integrated - at least in part. According to Apple, the company is primarily relying on its own language models and image generators, which should run as locally as possible. For more complex tasks, however, Apple's servers will be used: The so-called Private Cloud Compute is said to be data-efficient (including immediate deletion after processing) thanks to Apple's own SoCs including Secure Element - a completely new approach compared to competitors such as Microsoft, Google or Meta. ChatGPT, on the other hand, is to be optional - even if OpenAI critics such as Elon Musk fear that the software is deeper in iOS 18 after all. Apple has provided this information on the integration of ChatGPT.

According to Apple, ChatGPT will be more privately usable via iPhone (or iPad and Mac) than is currently possible via OpenAI itself. OpenAI itself confirmed this in a blog post. "The requests are not stored by OpenAI and the IP addresses of the users are made unrecognizable." What "obscured" means remains to be seen. In addition to this private (and even free) use of GPT-4o via iOS, iPadOS and macOS, it should also be possible to log into your own (paid) OpenAI account. More data will then flow - exactly which data remained unclear at first. It may then be possible to retrieve your own query history.

During its demonstration at WWDC, Apple demonstrated ChatGPT as completely optional, but Siri should be able to recognize when a request is worthwhile - and then suggest it. The text capabilities of ChatGPT and GPT-4o should also be available. For example, the creation of a bedtime story with the OpenAI system on the Mac was demonstrated. ChatGPT also offered suggestions on what to do next, including the creation of images (via DALL-E).

In interviews, software boss Craig Federighi said that Apple chose ChatGPT because it offered "the best" model. "We think that ultimately people will favor certain models that they want to use, maybe one that's great for creative writing or one that they want for programming," Federighi said.

He explicitly dropped the name of the latest Alphabet AI technology. "Maybe it will be Google Gemini in the future. There's nothing to announce at the moment, but that's our direction." Other systems such as Claude from Anthropic or Erniebot from Baidu are also considered a possibility.

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