iMessage: Apple's messaging app gets RCS

Apple fulfills its promise and finally brings the SMS successor Rich Communication Services to the iPhone. The implementation is being eyed critically.

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RCS support in iOS 18: Of course, the green bubbles remain

RCS support in iOS 18: Of course, the green bubbles remain.

(Image: Apple)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

For years, providers of Android devices, including Google in particular, have been trying to persuade Apple to support RCS. Now Apple has officially confirmed for the first time that the SMS successor Rich Communication Services will be ready in the fall. Although it was only mentioned very briefly during the keynote (see live ticker) on Monday evening, the service is listed in Apple's preview documents for iOS 18. A first screenshot of the implementation can also be seen there (see above).

As expected, RCS is part of the Messages app, but is visually separated from iMessage messages. While the latter receive the famous "blue bubbles", which identify another Apple user, RCS messages are displayed in a dull green, just like SMS. The input field in turn is apparently labeled "SMS * RCS" (current English: "Text Message * RCS"). In its screenshot, Apple demonstrates that RCS support will support voice messages, among other things.

Apple itself writes briefly about the new feature: "RCS (Rich Communication Services) messages offer richer media and delivery and read receipts for those who don't use iMessage." Apparently, this places RCS in a similar position to SMS - as a substitute service for people whose friends don't have iMessage. In addition, there also seems to be great interest in support, particularly in Apple's important Chinese market.

The new service (for Apple users) allows modern messaging functions such as audio messages, read marks, a typing indicator, data transfer via WLAN (as an alternative to mobile communications) and higher resolutions for photos and videos. Group messaging is also possible. End-to-end encryption is not provided. However, providers such as Google at least provide transport encryption using TLS so that you cannot be overheard from your smartphone to the RCS server. It can be assumed that Apple handles this in a similar way.

According to estimates, RCS had around 400 million users per month in 2020, a figure that has since risen to around 800 million. Google has been trying to push the service for several years - including with advertising campaigns aimed at Apple. RCS is now said to be installed on 1.2 billion devices on Google's platforms alone.

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