Am Donnerstag online: WeAreDevelopers Live Week – u.a. mit Terraform und Bitcoin

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Am Donnerstag online: WeAreDevelopers Live Week – u.a. mit Web APIs, RxJS und ML
Lesezeit: 1 Min.
  • Alexander Neumann

heise Developer präsentiert diese Woche die WeAreDevelopers Live Week, eine sich vorrangig an Entwickler richtende Online-Konferenz mit mehr als 50 Vorträgen. Ausrichter ist der Job-Plattformanbieter WeAreDevelopers, bekannt auch für den großen WAD World Congress, der diese Woche in Berlin hätte stattfinden sollen, dann aber wegen der COVID-19-Pandemie abgesagt werden musste.

Die Konferenz ist kostenlos und per Stream einsehbar, die Registrierung mag aber hilfreich sein, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, wann was startet, einen Tagesüberblick und auch -rückblick zu erhalten, von etwaigen Programmänderungen zu erfahren und schließlich Infos zu den Aufnahmen im Nachhinein zu bekommen.

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Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2020
11.00 Uhr Terraform for developers Terraform is an amazing toolset for automating infrastructure in the public and private cloud. This session will teach you the fundamentals of Terraform to deploy infrastructure in a consistent, repeatable manner across multiple services. Devlin Duldulao
12.15 Uhr An Information System Engineer's life cycle or "Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Back in 2012, I took my first master's degree lecture – Information System Life Cycle – which my professor opened with the question: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? That day during the lecture I answered the question with "I want to lead my own team!" – but was scolded to be more ambitious. I cannot recall too many details from that semester, but this question stuck. Let me help you find and reach your own ambitions. Because, the easier the question, the harder it can be to honestly reflect and come to a conclusion. In this talk, I share my past journey and how the idea of this initial question has guided me throughout the years. From starting off as a developer, becoming a tech lead and recently transitioning into being a product owner, I am far from the end of my journey – and I bet you are neither. Björn Wendland
13:30 Uhr Call for Code 2020 – Build solutions that fight back In a very short period of time, COVID-19 has completely upended our collective way of life. But we can fight back – with technology. This session focuses on one of the biggest TechforGood initiatives taking place right now – Call for Code. Call for Code asks innovators to create practical, effective, and high-quality applications that can have an immediate and lasting impact on humanitarian issues. Teams of developers, data scientists, designers, business analysts, subject matter experts and more are challenged to build solutions to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and climate change. During the session we will cover what Call for Code is all about in detail, give insights on it's two tracks and how your participation can have a lasting impact on societies battle agains COVID-19 and climate change. This session is for everyone, who likes to make a difference and wants to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and climate change by creating sustainable solutions using open source technology. Marion Nehring
15:00 Uhr Innovating during the crisis Is innovation possible in times of a crisis such as the current one? How are corporates, SMEs and startups innovating in light of uncertainty, budget cuts and financial pressure? How does innovation work in times of the Coronavirus and what can we learn from all of this? Martin Wezowski
18.00 Uhr What is the outlook for Europe's digital future? Does Europe have a chance in the race for digitalisation versus the USA and China? Which measures are we currently working on in order to speed up our rate of digitalisation? And which role does the current crisis play in all this? We are honored to have Margarete Schramböck, the Austrian Federal Minister of Digital & Economic Affairs, Dorothee Bär, the Minister of State at the Federal Chancellery and Federal Government Commissioner for Digital Affairs (Germany) and Marc Walder, Founder of digitalswitzerland & CEO of Ringier, on our panel! Margarete Schramböck
19.15 Uhr How Bitcoin changes incentives Coming soon Jimmy Song

Die Heise Medien sind am Start-up WeAreDevelopers, das sich vorrangig als Jobvermittlungsplattform für Entwickler und Unternehmen versteht und hinter den WeAreDevelopers-Konferenzen steht, seit letztem Jahr finanziell beteiligt. (ane)