App in the Air says goodbye, recommends the competition

Various special apps provide more detailed information about the progress of flights. One of them, App in the Air, is now declaring its end.

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Farewell posting from App in the Air

Farewell posting from App in the Air: Get your subscription money back quickly.

(Image: Entwickler)

3 min. read

The makers of the popular travel app App in the Air have announced that they will be deactivating both the app and the servers required for it before the end of October. "Our last flight is landing soon," they write. The app is already no longer available in the App Store, and from October 19, it will no longer even be possible to export data.

Despite its best efforts, the company had not managed to navigate the "constantly changing and challenging business landscape". The app alone had over 20,000 app store reviews and worked with a subscription model. Support will also only be provided until October 19 and can be reached by email at The creators thanked both the users and the development team. "Your input has been invaluable in providing the best possible experience for our users. We hope that the memories created and connections made will continue to inspire your love of aviation," it says flowerily.

App in the Air was designed to make traveling easier, especially for frequent flyers. The app could be used to plan and track flights – and often more accurately than was possible with the airlines' apps. There were check-in functions, real-time notifications and later also the option to book flights directly. At its peak, the app is said to have had six million users worldwide. App in the Air started on the iPhone, but was recently also available for Android and also ran on smartwatches with watchOS and Android.

App in the Air does not currently offer an automatic refund of the subscription fee. Instead, you must contact Apple (App Store), Google (Play Store) or Samsung (Galaxy Store) support to request a refund. The export data is available in the form of a text file and is sent by email –. It is not yet clear what users can do with this data. Anyone who has purchased travel, insurance and/or eSIMs via App in the Air should not have any difficulties, as these were offered via service providers.

As a possible alternative, App in the Air recommends its competitor TripIt and its Pro service to its users. They are currently also offering a discount. In addition to TripIt (Pro), there is also Flighty, which has been very popular for several years.

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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.