Apple M5: Next Apple SoC intended for both AI servers and Macs?

Apple is already working with TSMC on the M5 SoC. It should also be specifically suitable for server operation. A new packaging technology is planned for this.

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Apple Silicon SoC.

Apple Silicon SoC.

(Image: Apple)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Apple wants to design its upcoming Apple Silicon chip as a "dual-use SoC" from the outset. This should make it possible to use the processors directly as server chips. Apple is already doing this with M2 Ultra models as part of its private cloud compute solution for Apple Intelligence, but these are not explicitly adapted to life in the data center, which could cause difficulties in terms of longevity.

According to a Chinese-language report by the Taiwan-based business newspaper Economic Daily, quoted by the electronics trade journal DigiTimes, a new type of packaging called SoIC ("System on Integrated Chip") is used, which Apple's chip manufacturer TSMC has developed. Although the technology dates back to 2018, it is to be used by Apple in the form of a new hybrid structure.

According to TSMC, a 3D structure allows parts of the architecture to be superimposed, which in turn should enable better heat dissipation with better electrical signal control. The hybrid SoIC package is based on a new carbon fiber composite material that can be molded as a thermopolymer. Initial test productions are reportedly already underway. Mass production is expected in one to two years.

Apple's need for new SoCs is likely to increase in the coming years. The company is now also attempting to integrate the cloud vertically. There are also technical reasons for this: The fact that the servers communicate directly with the SoCs in iPhones, iPads and Macs using Private Cloud Compute requires the same platform. Until now, Apple has relied on regular off-the-shelf server chips for iCloud and other services. Cloud services are also often purchased from partners such as Google Cloud or Amazon Web Services.

The rollout of Apple Intelligence is planned in stages. Initially, only the US market will be fully covered this year, although features will be missing even there. True internationalization, including other languages, is not expected before 2025, when Siri will also receive significantly more functions. The delay in deployment will help Apple to upgrade its data centers.

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