Apple is also said to have been interested in Meta's AI - briefly

Alongside possible partnerships with OpenAI, Google and others, Apple also considered working with Meta on Apple Intelligence, according to a report.

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Meta sign at property entrance

Meta sign at property entrance.

(Image: Michael Vi/

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

As part of Apple's new AI functions for the iPhone, iPad and Mac, there were apparently also negotiations with Facebook parent company Meta. As the financial news agency Bloomberg reported on Monday evening, the initiative is said to have come from Meta itself. However, after taking a closer look at the idea, Apple decided against it - for data protection reasons.

The idea is said to have been to use the Meta chatbot Llama as part of Apple Intelligence. This was last discussed in March. It is now clear that Apple offers its own LLMs and image generators for its AI services, as well as ChatGPT from OpenAI on request. However, Apple is still negotiating with other partners, including Google's Gemini and AI companies in China.

According to Bloomberg, the negotiations with Meta have not reached a "formal stage". Apple currently has "no active plans" to integrate Llama or other Meta AI technology. Apple decided this because the company did not consider Meta's privacy practices "stringent enough". Neither Meta nor Apple would comment on the report to Bloomberg.

In principle, however, Apple is said to remain open to AI partners - partly because it is apparently believed internally that it lacks a strong chatbot competitor to ChatGPT. It is therefore conceivable that Apple will continue to keep its platform open, which should please the EU Commission, among others, which is currently taking massive action against the iPhone company.

In addition to Chinese partners and Google's Gemini, it is also conceivable that Microsoft's Bing Chat or Copilot products could become part of iOS and Co. However, nothing is known about such negotiations. The deal with OpenAI is reportedly not linked to the exchange of financial resources- ChatGPT is said to be integrated into Apple Intelligence free of charge by both parties. According to software boss Craig Federighi, this will give Apple access to the best chatbot currently available, while OpenAI wants access to the more than one billion iPhone users.

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