DKB for Apple users: Problems with MacGiro & Co., still no Apple Watch support
Deutsche Kreditbank has changed its HBCI support, which is causing problems for users of banking apps. The authorization request now appears constantly.
The well-known direct bank DKB introduced changes to the HBCI settings in November, which came into force at the turn of the year when the old access method was switched off for all users. Anyone who accesses their accounts using a banking application rather than an app or browser will have to make changes that do not always go smoothly. In addition, the bank has tightened its security measures and now requires approval via the app for every account balance query on the computer, which was previously only necessary every few weeks.
Example MacGiro: First it goes on strike, then it works
DKB had already made the actual change on November 25. However, as the change is not self-explanatory depending on the banking application, many users had not yet made the change. But now they can no longer do without it, because the old way no longer works. The central element is the conversion of the server. In the future, this can be reached at "". The old URL, "", no longer works. The FinTS version has not changed (3.0), but the "customer ID" must now be left blank. In the future, only the DKB app (in "decoupled" mode), ChipTAN in manual query and ChipTAN via QR will be possible as security media. TAN2Go will disappear as an approval method (already from November 22).
To convert an app such as MacGiro, which is widely used by Apple users, a series of steps must be carried out. First, you need to make sure that the app has been updated to version 14.0.1 – the latest –. Then proceed step by step, as MacGiro developer med-i-bit explained in an e-mail:
- Call up the HBCI access management wizard in the Help menu
- Select access to DKB and click on "Next"
- Delete access data, but do not "Lock key".
- Set up new access and select "HBCI", then "HBCI PIN/TAN"
- Retain the default setting "Order-related TAN", the user ID normally remains identical
- Remove entry in the input field for "Customer ID" if this differs from the user ID
- Note: "Customer ID" should either be identical to the user ID or remain empty
- Enter the new address "" in the input field for the URL
The wizard must be run through completely. Before clicking on "Done", the account must be assigned to the new HBCI access via "Set up selected account". med-i-bit also informs you that if you enter an incorrect PIN after an abort, you should start another attempt, but not via the HBCI access administration, but via the "Account setup wizard". If the account has not been queried for some time, MacGiro can also suggest the old URL. However, this should not be used.
Positives and negatives
After installation, the account should be able to be queried normally again and the other banking functions should also work as usual. A positive aspect of the change is that, once set up, it is possible for the first time to query credit card transactions via the banking application, including those that have not yet been executed. Of course, the corresponding accounts must also be deposited.
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On the negative side, DKB now trusts the banking applications less – and requires confirmation from the smartphone application for every simple account query. To make matters worse, the bank removed the Apple Watch support that was previously available when it switched to online banking a few years ago. With this, it was once possible to approve banking transactions rapidly and easily from the wrist, which was also sufficiently secure due to the PIN requirement when putting on the computer watch. This means that you now have to reach for your smartphone much more often, even if you just want to check your account balance or transactions.