Immerse yourself in Vision Pro: Apple finally has all the environments together

Apple has promised a total of 13 so-called environments for visionOS. Now the last one has been added with a Norwegian lake. Visually, this is very elaborate.

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View of Lake Vrangla under visionOS

View of Lake Vrangla under visionOS.

(Image: Apple)

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Apple has added another environment to its Vision Pro- making all previously announced virtual environments available, at least if you are already using the visionOS 2 beta. The "Lake Vrangla" environment has been available to all users since yesterday. It was recorded at the location of the same name near Drammen in Norway and shows a misty lake with trees. As usual with the environments, there is also a night view.

Previously, a second, still missing environment had also been released - the beach of Bora Bora in the South Pacific. However, this virtual environment is again only available in the visionOS 2 beta and has also only been announced for visionOS 2. In the preview version of the update, however, it works as desired and provides a vacation flair at work.

Vision Pro users can show environments at any time via the digital crown. They then replace the passthrough environment with a completely virtual world in high resolution. Apple seems to take a lot of time to create them. They are photorealistic graphics that move animatedly. They were shot with special cameras and offer almost perfect immersion. With the digital crown, it is also possible to have parts of the real world displayed at the same time if you don't want to "disappear" completely into the environment.

In addition to Lake Vrangla and Bora Bora (Beta, see above), the existing environments White Sands, Mount Hood, Joshua Tree, Yosemite and Haleakala (volcano on Maui) can now be used. There are also color filters that can be applied to the real environment: "Morning Light", "Spring Light", "Summer Light", "Autumn Light" and "Winter Light". There is also an environment of the moon - if you really want to have some peace and quiet (including an earth view, of course).

"With Environments, you can transform your physical environment and digitally transport yourself to another place, such as Yosemite National Park, Mount Hood or the moon," explains Apple. Within the environment, all apps can continue to be used as usual and remain in their respective locations. In addition, individual applications also offer their own environments, including the TV app and Disney+ with movie theaters or the Keynote app with the Steve Jobs Theater.

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