New features in Apple's Maps app: planned for the fall

With iOS 18, iPadOS 18 and macOS 15, Apple is also taking a closer look at its Maps application. The update brings some interesting new features.

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Apple Maps in iOS 18

Apple Maps in iOS 18: helps with hiking.

(Image: Apple)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Gone are the days when Apple users preferred to use Google Maps on the iPhone: A lot has happened with Apple's in-house maps app in recent years. The company has announced further improvements with iOS 18, as beta testers have reported. This includes new standard functions as well as improvements in operation.

Apple is expanding the already available "My Travel Guide" function and the locations marked with a virtual pin in the Maps app. A click on the "+" icon in a map entry is now enough to save a location. If you used to take photos to read out the GPS data later, you can now save yourself the trouble.

In addition to the pin markers, the new "saved places" also include places that were previously saved in "My travel guide". The function also allows you to search through the places and sort them not only by name, but also by distance and date of addition. You can now also add a note to saved places, which will also appear later in the entry. It can only be viewed privately and is synchronized via your (own) devices.

iOS 18 gets the hiking functions that we already know from watchOS 10. You can view topographical maps, save maps for offline use and create your own hiking tours. You can also add notes here.

But that's not all: you can also define walks in the city. To do this, you first search for a location and then have the option of selecting the specific route and marking detours if necessary. It is to be hoped that this will also be possible for car journeys and/or even public transport use in the future - because here you only have the choice of routes that Apple itself suggests.

iOS 18 is currently in beta testing for developers, and the public beta should be available from July. We expect the final version to be released in September.

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