Powertoys 0.83: Small improvements and more stability

The newly released Microsoft Powertoys correct minor errors, improve several aspects and should run more stably.

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(Image: Bild erstellt mit KI in Bing Designer durch heise online / dmk)

2 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Microsoft has released Powertoys 0.83.0 for Windows. The new version is intended to improve the stability of the tool collection, correct minor errors and bring general improvements.

The new icons for Awake are the most noticeable. The previously meaningless icon is now replaced by a coffee cup. If you hold the mouse over the icon, it now also shows a countdown with the remaining time if an option from "Stay active in interval" has been selected. The context menu of the tray icon can now also handle high-resolution displays, for example.

The programmers have also tidied up the group policies. This should make it easier to find some of them, so some names need to be updated for Intune. New guidelines have been added for "Mouse without borders". "Advanced Paste" is now translated as "Advanced Paste" and has received improvements when parsing double quotes and escape separators when pasting as JSON.

The release notes for Powertoys 0.83.0 also list numerous other small things that have been corrected in the individual tools from Powertoys. The integrated update mechanism already finds and reports the updated version.

The Powertoys display the available update.

(Image: Screenshot / dmk)

Updated installation packages are also available:

Earlier this month, the developers released version 0.82 of Powertoys. The most obvious changes were improvements for Advanced Paste as well as optimizations regarding stability. A version 0.82.1 released shortly afterward corrected three bugs, but these only came into effect under very unusual circumstances. The Powertoys themselves did not display and find the update for a long time - the developers had simply not classified it as urgent.
