Quick battery replacement solution for various iPhones

The start-up Swippitt is inspired by replaceable vehicle batteries. A 3500 mAh iPhone battery pack can be replaced instantly with a piece of hardware.

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Swippitt hub: Please plug in here.

Swippitt hub: Please plug in here.

(Image: Swippitt)

3 min. read

If you need more power for your iPhone to get you through long days of heavy smartphone use, you have a whole range of options: You can carry a power bank (even a very compact one), buy a battery case – or hope to be able to fast charge in between. The US start-up Swippitt is now trying out another idea. Similar to some electric car systems, whose battery can be fully charged and replaced, the Swippitt Hub also supplies a fresh battery via an integrated mechanism. According to the manufacturer, this should be possible with the device within “two seconds”.

Swippitt relies on a specially designed battery case into which a 3500 mAh battery set can be inserted. This is done by the hub, which contains a total of five battery packs. The system is currently intended for iPhone 14, 15 and 16 (all models). An Android version is also conceivable at a later date, with variants for Samsung and Google planned, according to Swippitt. However, the battery packs are not huge with the specified capacity. However, depending on the iPhone series, they should provide 50 to 90 percent extra juice. The charging process can be controlled, and the status checked via a dedicated app. There, you can also specify that only a maximum of 80 percent capacity is used to protect the batteries.

The most practical thing about Swippitt is that the battery replacement process is so quick. A video shows that the iPhone and battery case can be briefly inserted into the breadbox-sized device and removed again immediately. As the batteries are in the hub the whole time, they are always fully charged. The devices shown are still non-production models. The finished hardware will not be delivered until summer 2025.

The Swippitt system is also not really cheap, although it is a package price. The hub alone with the five batteries in question costs 450 US dollars, with a pre-order price of 350 dollars. The “Link” cover (or, for families, several) costs a further 120 dollars (currently pre-order: 84 dollars). The regular price is therefore at least 570 dollars.

No information has yet been provided on shipping costs to Europe, but pre-ordering is currently only possible for US residents. Both the hub and the case are available in different colors, the hub also in a wood look if you wish. The look is quite minimalist.

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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.