Shenzhen: Apple invests more money in Chinese labs

The Group is to invest one billion yuan in Shenzhen. The number two behind Tim Cook was also on site.

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Tim Cook bei Foxconn in China

(Image: Apple)

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This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Apple is spreading good vibes in its second or third most important market, depending on how you count: with the announcement of major investments in research and development as well as a high-profile visit from Chief Operation Officer Jeff Williams. According to Cailian Press, the company is about to launch a new laboratory in the southern Chinese technology metropolis of Shenzhen. The budget for this is reportedly one billion yuan, which is not quite 130 million euros. Williams had previously been spotted in China.

The new research laboratory in Shenzhen will focus on materials science, quality standards and product reliability. Among other things, products such as the iPad, iPhone and Vision Pro will be tested for durability. In addition to Shenzhen, Apple also operates its own Chinese research centers in Beijing, Shanghai and Suzhou.

In Shenzhen, there are plans to expose products to extreme conditions - for example in terms of humidity, temperature or dust. Similar tests are already being carried out at the iMac production facility in Ireland, among other places. Shenzhen is likely to be the place where the appropriate machines are developed or expanded. As Apple's supply chain is still primarily based in China, the findings can also be implemented immediately.

Williams, the number two behind Apple CEO Tim Cook and his closest colleague, was in Beijing last week. He met with Vice Premier He Lifgeng and Foreign Minister Wang Yi as part of a delegation that also included Micron Technology President Sanjay Mehrotra.

Wang called for companies to "aggressively participate in the process of China's further reform and modernization". The "US-China Business Council" in Beijing should help to create a "correct understanding of China" in the USA. Williams and Mehrotra are directors in the group. Apple has recently been struggling with lower iPhone sales in China. Among other things, the central government wants employees of state-owned companies to use domestic products.

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