Tip from Apple: Create a ringtone with GarageBand

It doesn't always have to be just the standard sounds: With a little work, you can turn any track into a ringing sound. Apple publishes instructions.

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Ringtone generation on the iPhone

Ringtone generation on the iPhone.

(Image: Apple)

2 min. read

Apple has published a new step-by-step tip in its support area on how to produce iPhone ringtones from any song material using on-board resources. Existing free applications are used for this: In addition to the standard apps Files and the system settings, this is just the music production program GarageBand.

The instructions, which are currently only available in English, also recommend downloading this application first. It can be downloaded free of charge from the App Store. It is then opened and a new recording is started. Then select the Tracks button and go to the Loops browser (round icon), which can be found at the top of the screen. The desired audio file can then be selected from there. This can be located both on the device and in iCloud; the Files app is used for selection.

Theoretically, songs in the Apple Music library can also be used, but firstly the track must be downloaded to the device and secondly it must not have copy protection ("Protected File"), which is the case with most commercial tracks. The compatible file is then dragged into the track view and can be edited.

Apple provides a few tips here, such as zooming in for more precise editing. Once finished, the song can then be made into a ringtone via "My tracks". The share icon is used to initiate the export. After exporting, you can then decide whether the sound is to be a normal ringtone or an SMS and message tone. Finally, it can also be assigned to a contact.

If you want to be really exclusive, you can of course also create your own song in GarageBand to make it a ringtone. The music production app offers a wide range of instruments such as synthesizers. You can also use integrated loops. It is always important that the ringtone does not contain any silence at the beginning (drag the track forward) and may not be longer than 30 seconds. Apple explains the structure of songs in GarageBand in a separate manual.

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This article was originally published in German. It was translated with technical assistance and editorially reviewed before publication.