Warning from Apple: Spyware attacks in almost 100 countries

Apple has once again informed users about exposed espionage attacks. This time, users in almost 100 countries are affected.

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Symbolic image: Hacker with hoodie

Symbolic image: Hacker with hoodie.

(Image: Panorama Images/Shutterstock.com)

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

Once again, Apple is warning iPhone users that there have been attempts to compromise their devices using spyware. Users in a total of 98 countries were informed on Wednesday, reports the IT blog TechCrunch. In April, the company had already sent out a similar warning to iPhone owners in 92 countries. Apple can detect certain forms of attack in its network.

"Apple has determined that you have been the target of an attack by Mercenary spyware that attempts to remotely compromise the iPhone connected to your Apple ID," the company wrote to those affected. "Mercenary spyware" are programs that are used by espionage or government agencies and are sometimes distributed by third-party companies or agents (hence "mercenary"). The company goes on to write that the attack was probably "specifically targeted at you as a person", "because of yourself or because of what you do". Although it is never possible to detect such attacks "with absolute certainty", Apple has "great confidence" in its findings. "Please take [the warning] seriously."

The term "mercenary spyware" is new for Apple. The company is thus rowing back a little in terms of naming the actors. Previously, the company always wrote that these were "state-sponsored attacks". In total, warnings have already been sent to users in over 150 countries since 2021, as Apple writes in a support document. The document also contains some tips on what users can do. This includes using the blocking mode.

The problem: the attacks could have taken place long after the warning went out. Users can then only take precautions after the fact and hope that the vulnerabilities exploited by the spyware creators no longer exist. "We strongly recommend that you contact experts, such as the Digital Security Helpline of the non-profit organization Access Now," Apple writes succinctly.

TechCrunch goes on to write that there has recently been an increase in attacks on activists in India during the elections in the world's largest democracy. These users stated that they had been warned by Apple. Similar information was already sent out in October, affecting journalists as well as politicians. The Pegasus spyware, which Apple is also taking legal action against, is often used, but there are also various other attack tools.

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